Compact excavators in Boise (Idaho)

Idaho, Ada County, Boise Junction
Compact excavators от Compact Power Equipment Rental: yanmar 1 photos
Compact Power Equipment Rental
Not included in the rating
  • +1 888-266-7228 WhatsApp
Brand of special vehicles yanmar
Type of passability caterpillars
Operating weight 0.6 t.
Bucket capacity 0.32 m/cub.
Digging depth 1.2 m.
Loading height 1.9 m.
Attachments mixing bucket
Work experience 3 years

We provide private mini-excavator services. Ready to do any kind of work!

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Idaho, Ada County, Boise Hills Village
Compact excavators от H&E Equipment Services: XN08 1 photos
$/shift (7+1 hours)
H&E Equipment Services
Not included in the rating
  • +1 208-388-3323 WhatsApp
Brand of special vehicles XN08
Type of passability caterpillars
Operating weight 0.6 t.
Bucket capacity 0.2 m/cub.
Digging depth 0.95 m.
Loading height 1.5 m.
Attachments mixing bucket
Work experience 8 years

We carry out earthworks of absolutely any complexity. Call and see for yourself.

$/shift (7+1 hours)
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Idaho, Ada County, Boise Air Terminal/Gowen Field
Compact excavators от United Rentals: John Deere 1 photos
United Rentals
Not included in the rating
  • +1 208-322-6225 WhatsApp
Brand of special vehicles John Deere
Type of passability caterpillars
Operating weight 0.75 t.
Bucket capacity 0.25 m/cub.
Digging depth 1.2 m.
Loading height 1.8 m.
Attachments mixing bucket
Work experience 6 years

We provide quality trenching services. Call and order. We will be glad to new clients.

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