Concrete trucks in Boise (Idaho)

Idaho, Ada County, South Boise
Concrete trucks от U-Cart Concrete: mack 1 photos
U-Cart Concrete
Not included in the rating
  • +1 208-376-0951 WhatsApp
Brand of special vehicles mack
Type of passability wheeled
Tank volume 9 m/cub.
Number of sections 3
Tank Type mixer truck
Work experience 6 years
Payment method cash payment
Payment procedure Payment by the fact

We provide concrete mixing services. Call and order at any time of the day or night.

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Idaho, Ada County, Boise Hills Village
Concrete trucks от Concrete Placing Co., Inc.: mack 1 photos
Concrete Placing Co., Inc.
Not included in the rating
  • +1 208-362-2100 WhatsApp
Brand of special vehicles mack
Type of passability wheeled
Tank volume 8 m/cub.
Number of sections 2
Tank Type mixer truck
Work experience more than 10 years
Payment method cashless payment
Payment procedure Payment by the fact

Our company performs gentle concrete delivery services. We carry out all types of concrete work.

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Idaho, Ada County, Boise Air Terminal/Gowen Field
Concrete trucks от Sunroc: terex 1 photos
Not included in the rating
  • +1 208-343-6965 WhatsApp
Brand of special vehicles terex
Type of passability all-terrain vehicles
Tank volume 8 m/cub.
Number of sections 4
Tank Type mixer truck
Work experience 5 years
Payment method cash payment
Payment procedure Payment by the fact

We carry out high-quality supply of concrete mixes. Call and order our services at any time convenient for you. We will be glad to cooperate.

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