Road rollers and asphalt pavers in San Antonio (Texas)

Texas, Bexar County, City of San Antonio
Road rollers and asphalt pavers от Pro-Line Paving LLC: astec 1 photos
Pro-Line Paving LLC
Not included in the rating
  • 1 210-530-0062 WhatsApp
Brand of special vehicles astec
Engine power 90 hp.
Vibration frequency 39 Hz.
Operating weight 17 t.
Roller type asphalt roller
Number of rollers 1 шт.
Type of equipment asphalt paver
Work experience 9 years

Our company is engaged in high-quality delivery of asphalt pavers. We will quickly and accurately perform all types of work.

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Texas, Bexar County, City of San Jose
Road rollers and asphalt pavers от Lone Star Paving Co.: case 1 photos
Lone Star Paving Co.
Not included in the rating
  • +1 210-463-9966 WhatsApp
Brand of special vehicles case
Engine power 78 hp.
Vibration frequency 30 Hz.
Operating weight 6 t.
Roller type asphalt roller
Number of rollers 1 шт.
Type of equipment roller
Work experience 6 years

Our company is ready to perform asphalt work of any complexity. Fast and high quality. Call and order right now.

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Texas, Bexar County, City of San Antonio River
Road rollers and asphalt pavers от BK PAVING SEALER COATING: Caterpillar 1 photos
Negotiated price
Not included in the rating
  • +1 210-560-2692 WhatsApp
Brand of special vehicles Caterpillar
Engine power 90 hp.
Vibration frequency 40 Hz.
Operating weight 16 t.
Roller type asphalt roller
Number of rollers 1 шт.
Type of equipment asphalt paver
Work experience 7 years

We provide asphalt paver for rent. We will quickly deliver an asphalt paver to you on our own tarals. Call and order right now.

Negotiated price
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