Concrete trucks in Salt Lake City (Utah)

Utah, Salt Lake County, Salt Lake City
Concrete trucks от Altaview Concrete: mack 1 photos
Altaview Concrete
Not included in the rating
  • +1 801-363-2246 WhatsApp
Brand of special vehicles mack
Type of passability wheeled
Tank volume 8 m/cub.
Number of sections 2
Tank Type mixer truck
Work experience 7 years
Payment method cash/cashless
Payment procedure Payment by the fact

Our company offers high-quality transportation and delivery of concrete.

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Utah, Salt Lake County, Salt Lake City International
Concrete trucks от Metro Ready Mix: Oshkosh 1 photos
Metro Ready Mix
Not included in the rating
  • +1 801-456-6833 WhatsApp
Brand of special vehicles Oshkosh
Type of passability wheeled
Tank volume 8 m/cub.
Number of sections 3
Tank Type mixer truck
Work experience 7 years
Payment method cashless payment
Payment procedure Prepayment

Our company provides high quality services for the transportation and supply of concrete.

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Concrete trucks от F'cMIX - F Prime C Mix: mack 1 photos
Negotiated price
F'cMIX - F Prime C Mix
Not included in the rating
  • +1 385-323-2649 WhatsApp
Brand of special vehicles mack
Type of passability wheeled
Tank volume 9 m/cub.
Number of sections 4
Concrete pump boom length 4 m.
Tank Type mixer truck
Work experience 5 years
Payment method cashless payment

We provide transportation and delivery services of high-quality concrete. Fast and accurate. Call and order our services at any time.

Negotiated price
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