Maryland’s ambitious $11-billion public-private partnership

 April 23, 2021  

Maryland’s ambitious $11-billion public-private partnership to add managed toll lanes to two Washington, DC-area freeways remains stymied by a bid protest, adding the specter of delays and higher costs to the already controversial project.

Maryland’s ambitious $11-billion public-private partnership

In mid-February, the state Dept. of Transportation selected a team led by Transurban (USA) Operations Inc., and Macquarie Infrastructure Developments LLC, known as Accelerate Maryland Partners, to lead initial development of the 50-year progressive P3 that will add express lanes to sections of the I-495/Capital Beltway that rings the Nation's Capital, and feeder I-270, including an expanded Potomac River crossing to Virginia.

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News writer: Anatoliy Gorobcov / Date of publication: 25-11-2021 / Updated: 28-11-2021
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