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- Asphalt paver rental, fast services
№566732 Asphalt paver rental, fast services
C&B Asphalt Paving
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- +1 402-363-8627
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Brand of special vehicles | Caterpillar |
Engine power | 91 hp. |
Vibration frequency | 40 Hz. |
Operating weight | 10-15 t. |
Roller type | asphalt roller |
Number of rollers | 1 шт. |
Type of equipment | asphalt paver |
Work experience | more than 10 years |
Payment method | cashless payment |
Payment procedure | Payment by the fact |
Min. order time | 5 h. |
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Participated in the rating | Paid ads | Previewed orders | Personal orders | Tender participation | Orders complete |
Parking address: Nebraska, Lancaster County, Lincoln Municipal Airport
+1 402-466-9300
95 $/hour
Contacts: +1 402-466-9300 (Cather & Sons Construction Co)