Concrete pump trucks in District of Columbia

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Prompt supply of concrete, inexpensive
Washington D.C.
Concrete pump trucks от Blanchet Concrete Pumping, LLC: mack 1 photos
Blanchet Concrete Pumping, LLC
Not included in the rating
  • +1 301-206-4444
Brand of special vehicles mack
Boom outreach 25 m.
Boom length 28 м.
Performance 1500 cub.m/hour
Type of concrete pump automobile
Number of sections 3
Work experience more than 10 years
Payment method cashless payment
Payment procedure Stage-by-stage payment
Min. order time 1 h.
High-quality concrete supply
Washington D.C.
Concrete pump trucks от Jernigan Concrete Pumping Inc: mack 1 photos
Jernigan Concrete Pumping Inc
Not included in the rating
  • +1 410-787-9687
Brand of special vehicles mack
Boom outreach 30 m.
Boom length 38 м.
Performance 2000 cub.m/hour
Type of concrete pump automobile
Number of sections 3
Work experience 9 years
Payment method card payment
Payment procedure Payment by the fact
Min. order time 1 h.
Concrete pump rental
Washington D.C.
Concrete pump trucks от Andrews Equipment Co., Inc.: mack 1 photos
Andrews Equipment Co., Inc.
Not included in the rating
  • +1 410-799-4100
Brand of special vehicles mack
Boom outreach 15 m.
Boom length 18 м.
Performance 1400 cub.m/hour
Type of concrete pump automobile
Number of sections 3
Work experience 8 years
Payment method cash/cashless
Payment procedure Stage-by-stage payment
Min. order time 1 h.
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