Truck towers in Chicago (Illinois)

State of Illinois, Cook County, East Illinois Street
Truck towers от ReachMaster Lifts: GMC 1 photos
ReachMaster Lifts
Not included in the rating
  • +1 800-298-7990 WhatsApp
Brand of special vehicles GMC
Type of passability all-terrain vehicles
Basket capacity 250 kg.
Side boom outreach 19 m.
Type of hoist telescopic
Basket type cradle
Tower lift height 17 м.
Boom classification Auto hydraulic elevator

Our company offers services for lifting workers to heights. Call and order us right now.

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State of Illinois, Cook County, Chicago Ridge
Truck towers от Service One Access, Inc.: Grove 1 photos
Service One Access, Inc.
Not included in the rating
  • +1 773-533-5900 WhatsApp
Brand of special vehicles Grove
Type of passability wheeled
Basket capacity 240 kg.
Side boom outreach 27 m.
Type of hoist telescopic
Basket type cradle
Tower lift height 24 м.
Boom classification Auto hydraulic elevator

We offer our services as repair work on the facade of buildings. Call and order our services.

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State of Illinois, Cook County, South Chicago Heights
Truck towers от SkyKing Lift Rentals: freightliner 1 photos
SkyKing Lift Rentals
Not included in the rating
  • +1 630-613-0000 WhatsApp
Brand of special vehicles freightliner
Type of passability all-terrain vehicles
Basket capacity 240 kg.
Side boom outreach 38 m.
Type of hoist telescopic
Basket type cradle
Tower lift height 35 м.
Boom classification Auto hydraulic elevator

We carry out facade and repair work of any complexity. Your main task is to call us at the specified phone number and order our services.

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