Sludge trucks in Boston (Massachusetts)

Massachusetts, Suffolk County, Boston South Sation
Sludge trucks от Boston Drain Co & Diagnostics Inc.: vacuum truck 2 photos
Boston Drain Co & Diagnostics Inc.
Not included in the rating
  • +1 617-265-8888 WhatsApp
Brand of special vehicles vacuum truck
Type of passability wheeled
Tank volume 9 m/cub.
Depth 11 m.
Hose length 28 m.
Tank Type vacuum
Work experience 7 years
Payment method cashless payment

Our company performs private sewerage pumping services. The cheapest services of a vacuum cleaner!

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Massachusetts, Essex County, Suffolk Downs Station
Sludge trucks от Sewer Cleaning Co Inc: international 1 photos
Sewer Cleaning Co Inc
Not included in the rating
  • +1 617-782-1550 WhatsApp
Brand of special vehicles international
Type of passability all-terrain vehicles
Tank volume 7 m/cub.
Depth 6 m.
Hose length 17 m.
Tank Type vacuum
Work experience 5 years
Payment method cashless payment

We provide cesspool pumping services. We will quickly and accurately perform all types of work. Call us at any time convenient for you.

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Massachusetts, Essex County, Suffolk Downs Station
Sludge trucks от Frankie Drain Services: ISUZU 1 photos
Frankie Drain Services
Not included in the rating
  • +1 857-520-3898 WhatsApp
Brand of special vehicles ISUZU
Type of passability wheeled
Tank volume 6 m/cub.
Depth 9 m.
Hose length 15 m.
Tank Type vacuum
Work experience 4 years
Payment method cash/cashless

We provide high quality sewer cleaning services. Fast and accurate. Call at any time convenient for you.

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