Rating of companies (TOP 100)

All Companies Individuals

The rating of performers participating in the service is aimed at identifying trustworthy owners of equipment, who have been working in their field for a long period of time and have no claims from customers. The rating is compiled on the basis of all the ads added to the service.

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Companies Информация
Ranking place: 1 из 1
Customer Assessment: no feedback
Rating points: 140
Units of equipment: 0
Orders complete: 0
On the website: 2 years 8 month
  • Richardson
  • 31 6 51198072
WhatsApp chat
Ranking place: 2 из 2
Customer Assessment: no feedback
Rating points: 120
Units of equipment: 0
Orders complete: 0
On the website: 1 year 10 month
  • Independence
  • 32 475 76 76 06
WhatsApp chat
Ranking place: 1 из 2
Customer Assessment: no feedback
Rating points: 120
Units of equipment: 0
Orders complete: 0
On the website: 1 year 10 month
  • Independence
  • 90 532 159 01 43
WhatsApp chat
Ranking place: 1 из 1
Customer Assessment: no feedback
Rating points: 120
Units of equipment: 0
Orders complete: 0
On the website: 1 year 10 month
  • Woodland
  • 84 90 712 47 04
WhatsApp chat