Rundvee & Mechanisatie Vakdagen Gorinchem 2023

The Rundvee & Mechanisatie Vakdagen (RMV) Gorinchem is the largest agricultural contact point for farmers and contractors. Numerous exhibitors, leading manufacturers, importers, trading and service companies present their products and the latest developments in agriculture at the RMV Gorinchem. The offer includes agricultural machinery, milking equipment, stables, barn equipment, breeding, animal feed and agricultural technology. Rundvee & Mechanisatie Vakdagen Gorinchem brings together farmers, growers and entrepreneurs from all over the world.

Exhibition website:

Dates of the event: 28 — 30 november 2023

Contacts: +31 (0)523 289 888

Venue: Gorinchem, Netherlands, Evenementenhal Gorinchem

Rating: 2
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